A complete rapid prototyping service through selective laser sintering of thermoplastic materials.
The output of selective laser sintering
Selective Laser Sintering is a technique for rapid prototyping that uses thermoplastic materials to create prototypes and parts with complex geometries for use in the automotive and industrial sectors.
The most commonly used thermoplastic polymers are Polyamide (PA) and thermoplastic rubbers (TPE, TPU), exploited in the form of powders also with 30 percent fillers (glass filler, aluminum filler, carbon filler) that incentivize the performance of the plastic prototype from the thermal point of view.
Through laser sintering, the polymer-based or composite powders are solidified into objects with no real dimensional limits. Large objects can in fact be broken down into smaller sub-parts that already have mechanical joints to be reassembled.
Technological advances and a wide variety of source materials lead to the evaluation of the SLS printing for the production of advanced components.
The Flight HT403P-H 3D printing system offers a rapid prototyping service that meets the demand of different customers and industries.
The polymer used is specific for industrial applications and colored black so as not to soil the surface during environmental testing. The high quality of the molded parts also allows them to be painted directly, without the need for manual retouching, and prepare them already for the next stage of the development process.
The printing process with the SLS Flight HT403P-H 3D printer.
Flight HT403P-H: a comprehensive and intuitive interface for printing plastic prototypes
SLS prototypes for various industries and applications
The SLS 3D printing system chosen by Prototypes ensures detailed, high-performance plastic prototypes capable of retaining their original shape while avoiding unwanted distortion.
Postal code Share capital €50,000.00 i.v.
CCIAA NO. REA 374859
Iscr. reg. Verona business
VAT 03900360235