CNC milling: characteristics and advantages

Home News Object in material that have not been mentioned in one of our previous articles and is not manageable with 3D printing technology, which can be used with attractive technology, such as CNC printing. This technique – completely automated – is indicated for the production of prototypes and mechanical components. By using computer controls […]

3D printing materials

Home News Versatile and rapid, 3D printing allows you to create prototypes and parts intended for the most diverse uses and sectors: from automotive to food, from medical to aerospace. However, what makes a prototype unique is not only the chosen 3D printing technology, but also the material from which to start providing the final […]

3D printing technologies for prototyping

Home News To create a prototype that meets the needs of the industry that will use it, resorting to 3D printing is often the best solution. 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that allow to build an object, layer by layer, strating from a digital model. All 3D printing techniques originate 2.5D models, obtained […]

Prototypes: the new SLS 3D printer at work

SLS printing software interface

Home News The arrival of the new SLS 3D printing system(Flight HT403P-H) has put our labs in turmoil, making them capable of providing an even broader and higher quality service in the area of creating functional prototypes for industry. In this short news item, in addition to providing some specifications about the machine, we will […]

Sintered plastic prototypes: learn about SLS Prototypes printing service

Creation of functional prototypes for companies

Home News The Flight HT403P-H3D printing system recently joined Prototypes technologies to offer an even broader and higher quality rapid prototyping service. A machine that enables the sintering of polymer powders to make a wide range of advanced prototypes that meet the needs of every customer and industry. SLS 3D Printing The Selective Laser Sintering […]

SLS 3D printer: the new entry among Prototypes technologies

SLS printing software interface

Home News A system of 3D printing which offers superior versatility, precision, and performance compared with other SLS systems. The latest addition among Prototypes technologies revolutionizes 3D printing and perfects the making of professional-grade prototypes. One of the distinguishing features of Flight HT403P-H is its ability to sinter polymer powders, including PA, TPE, TPU, and […]

Prototypes: learn about our prototyping service

surface finishes

Home News Has your new project already taken shape in your mind? Rely on our prototyping service and let’s evaluate its real efficiency together! Prototypes is the company that stands in the industry market proposing the production of plastic and metal prototypes, ensuring maximum initial cost containment and guaranteeing fast turnaround times. Our service was […]

Prototypes: our 3D scanning and reverse engineering services

3D design technical office

Home News Among those offered by Prototypes, the 3D scanning and reverse engineering services is undoubtedly the most innovative and cutting-edge. The modern technology that distinguishes it makes it possible to reconstruct the virtual model of a physical specimen, thus making an immediate comparison between the physical object itself and its original theoretical design possible. […]

Prototypes: the most advantageous rapid prototyping service for you

3D prototyping

Home News With our rapid prototyping service, you can test the aesthetic validity, functionality and efficiency of your design even before you start the actual production process. Thanks to our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, you can rely on short processing times, greatly lowering your initial investment and obtaining a prototype that is accurate and fully […]

3D Prototypes design service: shape your idea

3D scans - CTR dimensional control

Home News Thanks to our 3D design service, your idea comes to life and materializes in the blink of an eye. The Prototypes company serves the market as a valuable reference point for companies in need of efficient plastic and metal prototype design and fabrication services. Putting the latest technology at your service and offering […]